Thursday, 27 November 2014

USCT wait for battle!

I have finished painting my brigade of US coloured troops and just like in the real war these brave men must patiently wait for battle!

They served with distinction and according to Wikipedia:
"USCT regiments fought in all theaters of the war, but mainly served as garrison troops in rear areas. The most famous USCT action took place at the Battle of the Crater during the Siege of Petersburg. Regiments of USCT suffered heavy casualties attempting to break through Confederate lines. Other notable engagements include Fort Wagner, one of their first major tests, and the Battle of Nashville.[11]"

I asked Andrew if we could recreate this battle but he thought he would get in trouble for blowing a hole in his dining room table. learn more here

Sunday, 16 November 2014

The Battle of Franklin

Well it's been a while since I posted anything we have had two games but both were replays. We did Bull Run 1 and Perryville again. The rules are flowing much easier and we have adapted the rule of making a disrupted unit roll 6 or better to avoid losing another stand if they are disrupted again. This week we attempted another ambitious scenario by fighting the battle of Franklin. The real battle was fought on 30 Nov 1864 and the CSA suffered a terrible defeat. This was primarily due to their attempts to mount frontal assaults against well fortified Union positions. You an read more here.
I've edited some of the pics and will post more on the Gallery page ASAP.